Tuesday, March 27

don't overlook

life sure can be a crazy journey. it can pick you up and put you down in places that you never thought imaginable. the funny thing is once out of the comfort zone we [then] begin to see things that have always been there but we never gave a chance because of the jaded state of mind we became accustom too out of shear ignorance of space and time. what exactly does that realization tell us? OPEN YOUR EYES. see, experience, feel. touch, taste, smell. life is for the living indeed. the worst thing a living thing could do in my opinion is not enjoy the glory that life can be for you, not enjoy the gift of discovery and possibility. its surely about being around individuals that make you better, happier, stronger. it's not about accepting those that suck the life out of you which enables us to spin in a vicious cycle that tangles us in and out of inevitable experiences just to allow us to see the mistakes. that's why they say "you can't see the forest from the trees". you really can't if you're stuck in a dark place. go toward the light. follow your heart. it will never steer you wrong...& it ain't easy but i say: let God's will be done.



Note4note said...

We create out of our Emotions, that's what allows us to be who We matter, no matter what Others might say...Keep rising up...and Don't look back...

Note4note said...

We create out of our Emotions, that's what allows us to be who We matter, no matter what Others might say...Keep rising up...and Don't look back...

Note4note said...

We create out of our Emotions, that's what allows us to be who We matter, no matter what Others might say...Keep rising up...and Don't look back...

Note4note said...

We create out of our Emotions, that's what allows us to be who We matter, no matter what Others might say...Keep rising up...and Don't look back...

Note4note said...

We create out of our Emotions, that's what allows us to be who We matter, no matter what Others might say...Keep rising up...and Don't look back...

msisenther said...

True story. I will

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