Wednesday, April 30

E-mail Share

something i thought worth sharing...
for those of you that think black americans have this animistic anger that is displayed in an unorthodox manner understand that we feel this way because of the undertone of the community outside of our communities. we are different. the problem is is that we have allowed our differences to divide us. -Janus
Sen. Barack Obama has called for a national discussion on race in America, and one of the folks who sure didn't hold back when asked was Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
In a discussion with the editorial board of the Washington Times on Thursday, Rice called racism a 'birth defect' of America, and said that black Americans have loved the nation even when it didn't love us.
The Times reported:
'Black Americans were a founding population,' she said. 'Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together - Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That's not a very pretty reality of our founding.'
'As a result, Miss Rice told editors and reporters at The Washington Times, 'descendants of slaves did not get much of a head start, and I think you continue to see some of the effects of that.'
'That particular birth defect makes it hard for us to confront it, hard for us to talk about it, and hard for us to realize that it has continuing relevance for who we are today,' she said.
Rice later said: 'America doesn't have an easy time dealing with race,' Miss Rice said, adding that members of her family have 'endured terrible humiliations.' 'What I would like understood as a black American is that black Americans loved and had faith in this country even when this country didn't love and have faith in them - and that's our legacy,' she said.
Wow, was all I could say to that.
What was even more stunning was the relative lack of coverage on this issue. I was told CNN's 'The Situation Room' did a piece on her comments Friday. But when I surfed the Net to see follow-up stories in other papers, it has pretty much been ignored, except for some briefs.
Why would the mainstream media be so dismissive of Rice's comments? Imagine if Rev. Al Sharpton or Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. said such a thing. Do you think they would have gotten ripped?
The fact of the matter is that Rice was right on the money with her comments, and should be commended. She spoke honestly and openly about the issue, and deserves credit for speaking the truth.
I just wish my colleagues in the media would do a better job at advancing the issue of race in America and our sordid history.
We went bonkers about the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but when Rice, the nation's chief diplomat, spoke truthfully, it barely made a ripple.
- Roland S. Martin, CNN Contributor
'Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option.'
(thanks mom!)

Saturday, April 26


we all have our faults and shortcomings. no one of us walk the earth sin-free with judgement in our right hand ready for spiritual and emotional war. we battle vices like it's our job. the world just goes on and time reminds us of where we are versus where we may want to be. is that all we are? concepts and traditions as well as the shortcomings we possess? no we are human beings. once uncivilized creatures exploring beautiful earth. now we are on a quest for excellence. things change and in time all things must be ready for the nest to be removed from up under our bellies full of notions. at some point we must realize that to be 100% human the walk is long and we are not tall the whole way thru. -Janus

Tuesday, April 22

Cheering Section... many of us have a cheering section? those that stand in our corner regardless of what we are doing and saying that they don't understand or understand? we do it all of the time with "celebrities, pastors, politicians, etc". maybe those are the only people that get the regardless pass. we all need a regardless pass. who says only they deserve it? you know what? forget a cheering section. i cheer for myself every step of the way no matter what. someday i am no longer here and when that time comes i want people to say that Janus stayed true to Janus regardless of whatever anyone else thought! i may be this and i may be that to you but, love yourself, it is the buried treasure! -Janus

Saturday, April 19


is everything that is written law?
is it safe?
what is?
there are many things that are established in plain black and white
but what does it all mean?
where does it go?
does it change lives/lanes/brains?
where does it go?
up in the air
madness, calmness and complacency
who/what are we without words?
it is law. how things come to be.... _Janus

Friday, April 18

Manhattan beach under a 4:00 sun
Watching boats in San Diego at 16
Atlanta, Ga on wind
The high mountains of Hawaii
The downtown skylines of big cities
Beautiful sky scenery
Getting surprised gifts
New outfits
A really good movie
Giving birth
Happy couples
That jamming song that brings your mind back to that perfect time and perfect place
Priceless moments
Hearing a speech, lecture, quote, saying, cliche, verse, wise comment or spiritual intervention so profound and moving that instantly your life is changed and you have a clean slate with the Father enabling you to begin living life again.
Saying I Love You and really meaning it
An engagement ring with foundation and promise
Real Talk
Learning lessons you never meant to learn but being key essentials to life and living
A Long Kiss Goodnite.
A good book at the right time.
A great boss…
These are some of the things that make life lovable to me
They keep me pushing
They keep me humble
They keep me
When I think about what it would be like to give up these things keep JANUS in rotation
For there is nothing greater than the cycle of life
Angels coming in and out to quickly teach those divine lessons
Love it
Love life
It loves you.

Friday, April 11

i wanna be the type of poet that says things that will make you so upset that you'll change
i wanna be the type of poet that says words like love and beauty therefore making you feel love and feel beautiful
i wanna be one of those poets that you've never heard before on a cool night or a hot day
basically i wanna be a poet.
the poet that makes you realize that until we can look at one another in awe things won't change
realize that until we're unconsciously throwing up the black fist we will continue to be treated like a race of people that don't value our history
realize that you are loved
realize that you are black bold & beautiful
realize you can be anything your mind allows
realize you are God's child
realize devils don't have anything for you but a dollar for your dance
realize that we have to love our men out of their funk
realize we've got to give our kids some futures or stop having them
realize the reality of choices
realize a cellphone don't make you a legit business figure
realize this is not life
it is mere meager civilization we live
realize this is not the way
and no matter how many times you pray on your knees about it the truth has to blind you and your circumstances to change
one cannot go on thinking so blindly of a way out of this mess we are in
we have to believe in each other when no one else does or no one ever will
we've got to feel for each other
or what else do we have???
i want to be the poet that brings black back
'cause i miss my powerful people -Janus

Tuesday, April 8

Spring's Here, Spring's Here

yep it's pretty much spring around these parts now and that means growth is in its element. this is the time where we can explore what makes things grow better. i once did a project on how plants grow in different habitats. my findings were that they did in fact have changing results. we as a world are all in different places in our lives but the one central thing we must strive for is change. what does this next quarter hold for you? what do you want to change in your life? i say go for it! it's waiting for you. Spring Up! -Janus

Monday, April 7

Step by Step

haters are like dragons that feed off your insecurities. when there is something to be done and the only person for the job is you then you need to step up to the plate and knock it out the park. you know why? 'cause only you can do it. everyone is not going to feel your groove but as long as you do others will gravitate because the confidence pulls them in. don't be afraid to change because of complacency or majority thought. one may not see your results right away but you being the visionary that you are all ready know the final results because you've seen it! your life is your own and no one else's. step by step is the way to the top. and remember: "the road to success is always under construction"-fortune cookie quote. -Janus

Sunday, April 6

msisenther Universe: What's Your Story?
this is a link to the 1st post from way back in october, enjoy.
note: a gigantic thanks for the comments of encouragement. it lets me know that my work has a place here. keep 'em coming as these words will continue to flow. -Janus

Saturday, April 5

"to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"

i have had this fortune cookie quote taped to my laptop for about 2 years now. i have been waiting for the day that the words of my heart would manifest themselves into something tangible for the people. this road has been many things at many times for me but now (oh now) i am bathing in the glow of the excellence that has been given. one may hear my words and think many things. every one of us are different. we all have different chemistry (genetic code) and blood running thru our veins no matter how similar they are in family terms. we all must come to our place and take it at some point and my quest in life is to help those in need get to their place. so whenever you hear my words (the words that have been given to me) know that they are for your chemical make-up to be processed in their own way. my senior year in high school we all had to leave a quote and i chose: "stand for something or you'll fall for anything especially as artist and teens". i still live by that quote. standing your ground is hard to do but it must be done or we are not individuals we are all one unexamined mind. as i'm still examining my mind i say to you examine yours and know that there is something in there for us as well. this is me at my best right now. -Janus

Friday, April 4

Scene (part 1)

Wisdom: how have things been here for you?
Foolishness: things aren't fair. but i'm used to it.
Wisdom: what are you going to do about it?
Foolishness: nothing.
Wisdom: why not?
Foolishness: because i could die. everyone else is so used to the way things are that they don't want things to really change either, they just like to say they do.
Wisdom: oh. so are you saying that you would rather live and die for lies?
Foolishness: no, that's not what i'm saying.
Wisdom: yes you are. look, the truth is always going to be harsh but it must be told or the people parish and since the truth has not been told the people are perishing. so i'm only signing up truth seekers. at some point you are going to have to pick a side. think on that for a while. -Janus

Thursday, April 3

"A Lie Makes Me Feel Better"

how many of us feel this way?
we are so accustom to lies that the truth is now the neo-nazi
truthfully speaking how long can this go on?
is americas pimp hand so strong that to be told to go your own way sounds absurd?
"fuck it, life sucks i've accepted this and i won't change my mind for nothing in the world. shoot, i like my job it pays the bills and i can play whenever i get the extra cash, i'm cool with that!"
for real?
is that what we have come to???
people please, come off the page and write your own book
eat it
drink it
immerse yourself in it
your definition
it's timeout for you letting the world tell you how to be
don't you run the show?
if not you might as well buy your plot now and wait for the final breath
(you're pretty much all ready there) -Janus

Wednesday, April 2

Taxing Life

life is not work, period.
we are all different and we are allowing those differences to divide and separate us as opposed to a better view
there are still pharisees, jews, gentiles, canaanites and pharaohs
so don't believe it isn't
we should be sharing this world not using the dollar bill as a passport to the finer views of life
the dollar bill is pressing on minds and everyone should enjoy what GOD has made
most people will deny my words
some will listen
very many will understand that i will die for this truth
so just know that if i'm killed for this i would have my life no other way than to be mines
(i'm a soldier), period
what are you gonna do for yours? -Janus

Tuesday, April 1

My People

now i don't consider myself as a self-righteous judgemental person but i have to say this today. as i am out in the public i'm beginning to see something i don't want to see from black people. i'm beginning to see us separating ourselves from each other more and more. and it's showing in a way that says we are not proud to be black. like it's a badge one doesn't want to flaunt. now one might hear that and say "well what's so grand about being black and proud?" to that i must say "what's not?" i mean don't let america pimp you out of a good life to the point to where you feel you can't be the beautiful black being that you are. and just maybe you feel the way you do because there are not enough images that keep us wanting to throw up that black fist to each other at all times and throughout all circumstances. for those of you that have not being representin' in the way black people hold down their swagger wake up from the long bad dream that is disguised as integration. integration does not mean we are equal. it does means that we have to keep our goods for ourselves because if we don't our "new found friends" will think what we have made is for them as well. and the flip side is not so giving. remember that when you are out in the world. $$$dollar, dollar bill, ya'll -Janus