Thursday, January 19

"this is chess, not checkers"*

ahhh board games. weren't they fun growing up? a little monopoly, operation, connect 4, even pick-up stix, and of course checkers! these cute games aimed to occupy our youth with friends and family creating bonds of friendly competition. they were harmless and fun. and then you have chess, yes chess. the war game. who can capture the queen and kill the king to now claim the title? i'm starting to see life as chess. i've always believed in the similarities. who are the pawns in my life? those that are on the front lines for me that can kill or be killed? who is my right hand? my bishop, knight, rook? and i could even turn it around on myself: how am i protecting my king? is he exposed or securely preserved from the opponent? it's crazy. i think chess is a game that we all should play. it helps create strategy, planning ahead, discernment. oh yeah baby....."this is chess not checkers".
*quoted from denzel in training day


Wednesday, January 11


so the dictionary describes milestones as a significant event in your life. but what if its deeper than say overall character, depth or even the inevitable that makes you the person you are. in life we come to these places we never thought we could be. these places can be physical, emotional, spiritual, circumstantial. but what happens is we are in that particular moment and we are faced to deal with what's going on. i'm forever the optimist, i always believe that something is to be understood from all the debris and chaos that's left over. and that's where the milestone comes in. that is what's left! this memory, this circumstance that will forever be apart of your heartbeat. and what is the one thing that brings it to life? the senses of course! God is cleaver. that song, that smell, that outfit, that drink, or that place on your body that only that person has touched. sweet it is. and at the end of the day all you can do is keep living & keep experiencing the life that God has given you.


Wednesday, January 4

new dawn, new day...i guess

yeah so here we are. 2012. a time in life that never dawned on me until now, until this present moment. just celebrated another birthday. which can be tricky for most people; birthday's that is. now maybe it's just because mines is at the end of the year but i look at birthdays as a renewal, an opening of newer possibilities, point of views and ways to live. i believe that in life we should continue to be on the upward move no matter how slow the climb. but that's just me. i'm learning the importance of planning. it just helps the day to day have that much more meaning in the overall big picture; if i'm doing this i can accomplish what i need to, if i'm doing that which i don't need to do i won't get very far. but at the end of it all there is you. no matter what happens. the relationship we carry on with ourselves takes on so many meanings as we grow. we always have to make sure home base is in tact or else the whole operation can become faulty very quickly. and of course it has everything to do with loving yourself, the whole reason i created this blog. trust me, there is so much power in doing that simple thing.....
