Friday, February 20

Checking Into The Galaxy

so i've been so in love with the last poem i wrote: there ain't nothing new i've done that i haven't been too inspired lately to write any other entries. i like to give my best or nothing at all and so i'm searching the stream for information and inspiration for my next deluxe set of words. although i feel like i'm talking to myself here i know there are some of you out there that make your way through msisenther universe and gain some sort of audacity in the everyday society. i'm kind of joggling my interest right now and the craft that is acting has captivated my time as of now. my poetry is my voice that can never be shut off but i'm developing a hustle so that i can (quite frankly) support myself and my interest. this is a balancing act that i am attempting to perfect with time. don't look at my inability to post as neglect just comb thru the archives and i promise you that there will be some words in there for you until the next phase of poetry roles through. time management is the key to a productive life. and that is my wish for myself and you as i embark on this journey of success. peace.

-Janus Poeticca