Thursday, January 1

2009 is Here! 2009 is Here!

hello my peoples! anonymous followers of my blog welcome to the new Msisenther Universe. the Msisenther Universe of 2009. hopefully 2008 treated you well. in any case start fresh and don't rush things. take a breath and accept a new year full of new memories and many possibilities! remember positive thinking is key!
so just to reinstate my happiness: happy 2009!

i was going thru my poems and one crossed my path and when i read it i thought wow, that's beautiful! so i thought i would share this as we are embarking on a new journey together...

A Letter to Myself
if i could speak to myself at 80 years old i wonder what i would say?
well for starters i'd say do what you love and live happy because every great time in your life will come to pass and there will be another time to have so enjoy your life at all moments possible
i would also say i'm glad you decided to have children. even though the concept took a while to grow on you. i guess i don't have to tell you what they (children) bring to your life, i'm sure you already know
i'd say don't spend so much time worrying about what's right .vs. what's wrong because what's right is right inside your heart and anyone that can't grasp that concept don't even love you anyway
i'd say don't care what no one thinks about you unless they're paying your bills-and even if they paying your bills don't even care what they think about you cause you gotta be yourself with every breath you take because the world deserves you just the way you are-the way God made you!
see fear ain't nothing but your best friend that was too jealous of you to say hi first
and people don't have to like you or nothing that you do but what they should do is respect your history and what you come from cause they don't know you!
& baby you just gotta do you: shout, scream, holler, dance, write, sing, be you & be free from all the b-s that is keeping you from accepting your human self
love and you will get love back
be patient and teachable and driven and hungry and work hard and release on stage and enjoy the gift of everyday....
and then as i think about it, i don't have to wait to tell myself this at 80. i'm saying it now: live now! cause it ain't forever. but my words are forever...

-Janus Poeticca
(beautiful right?)