Monday, December 8

Oh. I Get It!

so, i've just taken a walk thru the blog sphere and i'm beginning to understand why my lil' ole blog isn't too popular. forgive me for not posting about name brands and high profile celebs while attempting to establish a solitary space for my own voice without the help of the current giants of the game. but it's okay because the ones that are getting something out of this blog good for you. and don't get me wrong i'm not condemning anyones personal taste. this isn't a entertainment blog. i would like to think of this as a spiritual wellness blog because i am a true believer of taking care of the mental and spiritual then everything else will iron out once your mind and spirit are on track. i'll get to the body part later-i'm still getting there myself! although you can't get mental and spiritual wellness from just anyone, oh no chile. see some people will have you gone nuts trying to get yourself together. you might even end up worse than you left off, but msisenther is here to get you to see your true self therefore becoming more comfortable and confident out in the big world. i don't try to push my beliefs on you i merely share them with you. i want us all to have what's for us as individuals. the main world doesn't want that. they just want 2 people to have it all while everyone else starves for a place in the sun. i think that if we live to our potential we will find that we inspire each other differently for different reasons and even though some may outshine others you still enjoy your place....

no more kisses...
you've kissed me enough
and now i want no more
i no longer enjoy the taste of your flesh upon my shoulder
at one time i thought i wanted to feel you forever
but now i want to be apart from you
i used to imagine our future
but to think about it i never really saw one, it was just my imagination running away on a whim
so don't be upset with me
i'm just growing up
growing apart from the youngin i used to be
i've had my time with you and now it's over-for real this time
no, for real!
no more kisses from you
(your breath stinks now-it probably always did but i never smelled it)

-Janus Poeticca