Tuesday, December 2

Big Bird .vs. Chicken (Double Standards)

question: if you like big bird (yes the sesame street big bird!) is it okay to love the taste of chicken? just something that got me thinking today as i notice some well-adapted double standards we as americans continue to perpetuate. you know what i'm talking about;things like celebrity crimes. if we like them enough we chose not to see the reality of what they really did because their larger-than-life endeavors are so great (now that just may be denial but we'll play it as a double standard today), or things like the kkk .vs. the black panthers or even the naacp. obviously the kkk see their hate spreading as some sort of power trip to keep their race at a bias understanding whereas the naacp and the black panthers were merely trying to save face amongst the hate that was spread upon us in the struggle for civil justice. what i'm saying today folks is that it seems as though we choose to believe in things in order of convenience for our personal struggles. we all have issues that we have to fight on a daily basis and double standards seem to allow us to go with the flow on some of these issues. i wonder where exactly this is going to lead us. i'm not telling anyone what to believe in today i'm just venting. it really did just start out with me seeing big bird today on the tube and thinking about how much i enjoyed him growing up and what his consistent happiness did for my heart and then i thought: my, how i love the taste of chicken! so it got me going on how all of the things we so dear enjoy and cling to have another side to be answered to on a diplomatic level. what do you think out there?

-Janus Poeticca