well it's been a task trying to live in the world without the King of Music Michael Jackson. we lost a great one and what we should learn from this event is that when it's our time it's our time. but here's my personal tribute to the king: hello Michael Jackson. while there are so many memories to share about you and your imprint on my generation i'll just say that dancing to your tunes with my big sister is what i remember most vividly. your music was truly out of sight and no matter the time it's always in fashion. as an artist i have learned the power of surrendering oneself in the art and allowing that to bring sensation to others. you have left behind a monster of a legacy and forever will you reign in the art you most loved. your heart was a loving giving heart like no other. as one reporter said,"there's Michael Jackson and then there's everyone else". 'nuff said! -J *Long Live the King | ||
Monday, June 29
The Reigning King Of Music
Posted by msisenther at 29.6.09 0 comments
Friday, June 19
Where I'm @ Right Now...
...playing dead to attract the dead
i fell and died but chose to live again
see, one day my body will be in a coffin so i gotta make my world right now
i gotta make my life right now cause there ain't no: start over it didn't work out!
this is life and real things happen
this is life and sometimes things don't work
but you gotta make it work
where my hustlers at? innovators that dare to be mislead?
are you free?
or are we all bound to a literal limit-filled hereafter where the sun only shines when someone reminds you
can i live?
can i have life?
or is this sweet american dream just a nightmare we all must face and conquer in order to reap the benefits of her harmonious tune?
i sing
but it's not always a song full of grace
but of love, patience, meekness, movement & an existence of peace
my heart sings for the world not to move so fast that we never capture the moments that make living the greatest....
Posted by msisenther at 19.6.09 0 comments
Monday, June 15
Something New...
...brandy get ya gap back*
star get ya fat back
black stars get ya black back
you too commercial stop that
and that's a fact.....
*excerpt from a new piece
the inevitable has happened
my change has come
praise GOD
Posted by msisenther at 15.6.09 0 comments
Friday, June 12
If I Never Picked Up The Crown
if i never picked up the crown what would the world be?
how could it live?
what would it see?
if i never picked up the crown how would you know?
which way to try, push, grow?
if i never picked up the crown i would never see the world
the world i've imagined since a baby girl
where i don't have to wish just dream then open my eyes and see
if i never picked up the crown too many questions would go unknown
i would die never to have experienced life full grown
if i never picked up the crown nothing would ever change
first in my life, then yours and the world
we would get used to things as they are and would know of nothing else
shake things up is what i must do
change this politically correct bullshit thru & through
avant garde should be the standard of life
unwritten but driven then a successful life
it's okay to be different so why are we told to be the same?
please pick up your crown too and find me in the maze
Posted by msisenther at 12.6.09 0 comments
Friday, June 5
Oh, That's Why We're Crazy
we must lie to ourselves daily
oh, that's why we're crazy
we must make ourselves believe the untrue in order to further our lucrative advances
we must deny our smile to a parade unlike our kind
yet we wonder why looking in the mirror is a new view every time
we be crazy cause we gotta change this heart, the only heart we know
we gotta change it to advance and grow
no mo' 'fros until you don't need that corporate check! (check...)
we see green when each other bounce the block
we be crazy cause we cannot see the end
we be crazy cause we fight within
we be crazy cause there is no end
to the chase of dream & big diamond
crazy trying to fit the mold
crazy watching self grow old
crazy wondering why a no go
crazy when dead and gone be the end though
crazy don't have to be all we are
cause there's a choice to be who you are
no one can tell the grass to grow
but fertilizer changes the direction though...
Poeticca (i'm a bad mutha$%*#!)
Posted by msisenther at 5.6.09 0 comments
$50 in June
i'm standing outside your door
i will not be ignored
i want more
and i want it from you
what more can i do, i have to bug you
i need to get through this time
i can't let this moment pass
for if i do that's my ass
and i'll never forgive my own stubbornness
so i'll continue to wait and wait some more
only now i'll have more
to show and prove i have learned the lesson you are trying to teach me
when they speak of recession many people have a different definition
so maybe we will never see eye to eye on this
we all have a personal relationship with money
and since i chose to not make it funny my options become slightly thin
so there are most things i have to accept
but at this point i will not allow my story to be a gross of $50 in june
cause i am way too talented for that!
Posted by msisenther at 5.6.09 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3
I Must Change
after a long hard battle within i have learned
i must change my colors
after a long hard debate with love i have learned
i must change my colors
after a war over circumstances i have learned, again
i must change my colors
i must change myself from the self i have become
unconscious, beastly and challenging i must be
not yielding and unwise open-minded and blindly free
what is this world doing to me?
i change often just to learn i must change again often
will i be assumed to change forever right after i am comfort fit in the new me?
i remember being told that to be fully aware and awake was to be constantly thrown out of the nest
so i guess nowhere is home
-Poeticca Lives
Posted by msisenther at 3.6.09 0 comments
Monday, June 1
The Soul's Disguise
same faces, new look
for a while my soul you took
so i tried hate on for size
it didn't fit so i chose the prize
difference is i decide who wins
no one else, just me within
and it bothers me that everyone wants to look weird but maintain a sense of normalcy
can we really have it all?
or just whatever we can have for the moment
what separates the winners from the rest?
i guess it's the ability to disguise
-Poeticca Lives
Posted by msisenther at 1.6.09 0 comments