Tuesday, October 21

1 Whole Year!

so it's been a year for me here at msisenther universe and i must say it's been a year of greatness. there is nothing like setting goals and then reaching them-i advise it to all. so with that said it's time to move on into the next year with some style, more class and of course more poetic reality! look forward to a new layout as well as a book collection in this new year. that is what i want for this entity in my life. to build the msisenther brand into the atmosphere where only good things dwell. this site is for those of us that need inspiration to deal with the hectic world. although i write this blog i myself am highly inspired to do more after an entry or even when i come to view the site throughout my day and i hope it's doing the same for you as well. i think it's time for selfless creativity to reign strong so that we never forget that before we had all of these amenities in life it was just the resources we had around us to keep us ahead of the curve. sometimes civilization can make us neglect the greatness that we have around us thinking that the only thing real and true is something that comes with a hard struggle. those of us that know better need to stand together and make the world what we want it to be. we are the consumers, the ones that keep the economy where it should be. if we don't spend our country will not grow and don't ever forget that. so please leave comments, questions and suggestions as we go into this new year together.

peace, Janus