Friday, February 29

Vow to Love

because positive should be the new drum, negativity is abolished from the songs. the motto of this blog is to love oneself, for it is the buried treasure. the writer of this message gets confused sometimes as to what is and what isn't supposed to be in mind but as i live i grow and learn that to be a master of the art of living one must give their all in order bathe in the bliss of self knowledge and the spirit of the world. one cannot reach completion until one has been on the course. only in the middle of the course is where you begin to seek your way out into the promised land that is your purpose. we strive to please and make those around us at ease, though knowledge of self and a comfortable fit should be what we desire. for if the time has come for you to rest your worries in completion it is then you realize no one is among you. i made a vow to myself that this lifetime would be the one where i would find love. and it is on this day that i've learned that the love i shall find is always within, so that if no one knew of me those that do would know that she is the one that loved herself most of all and it didn't come as a misfortune to others. -Janus