Monday, January 14


inspiration is something we all need. take for instance this blog. it is here to inspire me to do and be more of what i want to see out of the world and my hope always is that it does the same for others. we are all born with a dream (i hope) and over time it is up to our parents and then us to make that dream come to life. in that we inspire ourselves and others. how cool would it be to know that what we thought could be seen right before our very eyes. it's almost like magic. somethings we might forget on our dream journeys are to make sure we develop plans of action and not just made up fantasies that we really don't believe can happen to us. that is when we must question our belief in ourselves. support is also healthy inspiration. support can lead us into the promised land as well because as we know it's all inside and it is us that determine our own destiny's. we can say that it is everyone and everything around us but it is ultimately up to us to put in the work. this is true for any walk of life, but especially for those that take the road less traveled. it can be a hard long walk to a place we've never been but want to call home. so to those of us that travel long and hard....take the force with you (the force within). -J