Tuesday, October 23


we are a society of get or get got. there is always something to learn as we go from day to year to decade to millenium. we tolerate one another on the streets each day. amongst all of this we eat, shop, watch and play. not to mention the fact that we work so hard we all could write a book on it. celebrities. God love them but do we really need to watch their movies, listen to their music, wear their clothes and perfumes, decorate entire rooms to them, watch their shows, log on their websites....mass consume them? where do we as individuals fit in. do we even matter at all? who are we? what are we here for? when we die will others speak of us or what we consumed? something to think about when we are constantly being pulled from end to end just to "keep up". why? so our associates can say: "she wore the best bags" or "he had best watch known to man". we do so much to stay afloat and most of us are rarely rewarded for the effort. i say we treat ourselves better than this. we deserve the world as we see it. otherwise we are constantly apart of someone else's existance. -J