at some point in life we come to a state of change. state meaning it has to happen or else. or else life becomes this never ending same story. how many of us recognize the moment? well i'm at that very moment and i'm so thankful that i am aware of the energy that it takes to drive oneself into the promised land. so i'm reading 2 books at the moment but the one book that i'm really sinking into is the think & grow rich by napoleon hill. awesome indeed! a must read for the heavy thinkers out there that believe in the idea that mental strength is the key ingredient of a successful personality. wow...i can't believe ole J is growing up. i have to look to the higher ground in order to reach my higher self that i so desire to achieve in my lifetime. and many of the things that sustain me no longer keep me at bay and i know that it will never change. life is ever changing. once we know we know we know nothing. make sense? you might have to read that again with the inflections intended. so here i go back into the wilderness and as i come and touch back to the universe and communicate how us earthlings function let us become harmony when we meet face to face...
P.S. change is inevitable
Friday, July 31
Where do we go From Here??
Posted by msisenther at 31.7.09 0 comments
Thursday, July 30
The World Keeps Spinning...
so much to do, so little time. that's what they say right? well i guess it's all about perception. we have to get "it" in whenever we can. whatever "it" is that you want to see materialize in your world. all i know is that i'm really loving life. with so much going on and these so-called experts telling us how to live our daily lives i find it extremely entertaining and decide right then and there to develop my own method of concentration. and that's our responsibility to ourselves: seek out and find our own method of happiness. we have got to stop allowing popular consensus to come in and reprogram us over and over again based on the idea that if we follow this brand and follow that brand then we are a certain type of person that needs to follow something in the first place. we have to remember that america is "the land of the free home of the brave". we are rebels that make good on our hustle cause it's in our hearts. i believe that every american is a hustler, we all just tap into it at different levels of the game. but we all can agree that if you want to see anything go down in this country you have to bark, pounce & bite to make it happen. so to my fellow americans and players abroad: fight the good fight cause there ain't nothing new under the sun...
Posted by msisenther at 30.7.09 0 comments
Thursday, July 16
Hey Yourself
well it's been a while since i've traveled into the universe. i've been secretly devising a master plan to take over hollywood and broadway. first off i would like to say that i give props to all of the people that have made a name for themselves in the game. in any game you choose to play. anything worth having is surely not easy and the business of entertainment can be a very tough cookie to cut but with time one does develop the guts to drive into glory. so i would just like to shout out the hustlers and the innovators out there that dare to dream and make that dream, whatever profession it is. and i would like to thank God for the fact that i'm personally able to pursue after my own heart. well until next time kids....
Posted by msisenther at 16.7.09 0 comments