Sunday, August 24

New Breed Media

this blog is alternative media. what mainstream media does is takes all of our hopes, dreams and fears and cooks it all up to be one big massive mess. we do not deserve this but we are used to this. we are not this but we are becoming accustom to this form of living. my hope is that we as human beings decide to start declaring our own mental capabilities and find our own truth within the world because that is the only truth that matters. the greatest beings on this planet bring us into their worlds and we get so comfortable in them that we began to rest easy on their brainpower and then we wonder why we feel cheated when we have nothing to look forward to from ourselves. it's because we are not thinking for ourselves enough of the time. they are doing our thinking for us. mind power and execution is what builds buildings and moves mountains not resting minds. this blog is me and i declare myself to be new breed media...-Janus

Monday, August 18

Claim to Fame (this is my voice)

so i guess it is time to come to grips and face this. face this reality that was a dream to me. for so long i wanted to "just be". be it on a plane or on a road all on my own. msisenther universe has been apart of me well before october 2007. it has been a radio show called spiritual vitamins, it's been a live performance show called eclectic vibe. the point is this has been a journey of my artistic drive. the main reason for me starting this blog was to show another frame of mind in the way of a place in space. i believe we all hold a place amongst the sun and my quest in life is to celebrate yours with you.

as living things i believe it's very important to converse and understand one another as we share this world together. there are lots of different ways we can do this, but it must be done. we have become a nation of over-exposed senses when some of us do without. everyone is concentrating more so on becoming exclusively filthy rich and the greed is starting to reflect in our everyday culture.

we all know right from wrong but wrong just feels so right, right? but where is this all going to lead? what are we teaching the youth? what are we putting away for our future? does that matter anymore or just the right now? is it just about "getting yours"? has the american government driven us to this? these are questions and realities that i think about most often and it still doesn't warp my view of what the world can be. i don't buy this hard-ass, touch-guy act because one may think it's intimidating enough to get you what you want. i'm here to rid the world of all of the unnecessary bullshit that's plaguing us. too much potential is being lost out here because some people aren't given a decent start or a clear understanding on how to conduct themselves in society. and let's face it: all of the pre-requisites, hoops, loops and obstacles that are set in place to discourage are to make one believe that what you want is not obtainable. but the person who has what you want is actually beneath you in talent and in standards that's why they have put these blocks and brick walls in the way. just let these words penetrate your mind: IF IT'S YOURS, IT'S YOURS HOWEVER LONG IT TAKES! and the world is mines. -Janus

Monday, August 11

All That I Can Say...

may you rest with peace and ease knowing that you became a champion of your time

Bernie Mac  

Isaac Hayes

We love you...

Tuesday, August 5

Off The Top...

this is no song, nor is it poetry. today it is just me off the top. wondering. wondering how there can be a blog like mines with no following. maybe my hustle is weak. maybe folks could care way less about what i have to say because the truth is somewhat boring. i mean, we really know what's right, but we only choose to take that righteous road after we have made it thru the adventures of our youthful days. well you know what? i'm not going to stop writing from my heart to the people. one day i will plant my feet at the top of the media mountain. just stay with me folks...oh, and let me know what you like along the way! _Janus